Vidwan-ID : 262226

  • Dr Sutapa Bandyopadhyay Neogi

  • Director
  • International Institute of Health Management Research
Publications 2001 - 2024


  • 79
    Journal Articles
  • 10
    Book Chapter
  • 13
  • 5
  • 2
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 1
  • 44
  • 32
  • 3
  • 3
  • 34

Citations / H-Index

997 Citations
15 h-index
1001 Citations



Google Scholar

Co-author Network



Maternal and Newborn Health, Clinical Research, Epidemiology

Personal Information

Dr Sutapa Bandyopadhyay Neogi

International Institute of Health Management Research Plot no. 3, Sector 18A, Dwarka, Phase-II
New Delhi, Delhi, India - 110075


  • Director

    Public Health and Community Medicine

    International Institute of Health Management Research

  • Professor

    Public Health Foundation of India

  • Senior Research Fellow


  • Senior Resident

    Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research


  • DNB (Maternal and Child Health)

    National Board of Examination, New Delhi

  • MD

    Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh

  • MBBS

    Nil Ratan Sircar Medical College, Calcutta University

Honours and Awards


As a panelist in the session on Universal Health Coverage: A Digital Perspective; 3rd Digital health summit

Integrated Health and Wellbeing Council


As a panelist

The session on Universal Health Coverage: A Digital Perspective; 3rd Digital health summit; Integrated Health and Wellbeing Council: Jan 18th, 2024.


As a panelist in the session on “PM-JAY AB to ABHA Card : Democratizing DPG for Patients Care and Healthcare Sustainability” during “Healthcare Infrastructure Planning Conference Expo & Awards 2023”(HPIE3.0)

Medgate Today New Delhi

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As a panelist in the session on Universal Health Coverage: A Digital Perspective; 3rd Digital health summit

Integrated Health and Wellbeing Council


As a panelist

The session on Universal Health Coverage: A Digital Perspective; 3rd Digital health summit; Integrated Health and Wellbeing Council: Jan 18th, 2024.


As a panelist in the session on “PM-JAY AB to ABHA Card : Democratizing DPG for Patients Care and Healthcare Sustainability” during “Healthcare Infrastructure Planning Conference Expo & Awards 2023”(HPIE3.0)

Medgate Today New Delhi


As a key resource person at MSF Asia Scientific Days 2023 conference

Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU) and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)/Doctors Without Borders on “Scientific writing”; Dhaka, Bangladesh


Participated in the 17th TechNet Conference; Panama City, Panama

Global network of immunization professionals


“Best Women Researcher in Public Health” award for her outstanding contribution in the field of public health



Most Inspiring Women Leaders Award” for Nurturing Researchers to Transform Healthcare

Trade Floc


Healthy India Health Ambassador Award for her outstanding contribution in the field of public health

Swasth Bharat Trust


Featured as one of the most influential research studies in a film titled “A salute to Indian brains

Department of Science and Technology


All India Radio program on “Intake of over the counter medicines during pregnancy”

All India Radio


Interviewed by Rajya Sabha TV

Rajya Sabha TV


Was invited as an expert for NDTV’s ”Every Life Counts



Won the best paper award on Maternal health

2nd International conference on Public Health, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 28-29 July, 2016


Interviewed by Epinews Investigative Journal on gender selection. Q and A: Fetal Gender Selection


“Kataria Memorial Gold Medal” for the best outgoing postgraduate


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Doctoral Theses Guided


Study of indigenous preparations used for gender selection during pregnancy Evaluation of harmful effects

Pragya Rai , Academy of Innovative and Scientific Research New Delhi


Study of indigenous preparations used for gender selection during pregnancy Evaluation of harmful effects

Pragya Rai , Academy of Innovative and Scientific Research New Delhi

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Membership In Professional Bodies


Associate Editor

Heliyon (Women’s health)


International society of Global Health



BMC Pregnancy and Child birth

Associate Editor

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Associate Editor

Heliyon (Women’s health)


International society of Global Health



BMC Pregnancy and Child birth

Associate Editor


Delhi Medical association (DMA)


Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP)

Life Member


Member of National Academy of Medical Sciences (MNAMS)

Life Member


Indian Public Health Association (IPHA)

Life Member


Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine (IAPSM)

Life Member

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Membership In Committees


Technical Advisory Committee, Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn), Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare



Revision of Home Based Care Programs and Development of National Home based newborn care version 2.0 guidelines, Child Health Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2024

Member, Technical Advisory Committee


Regional Medical Research Centre, RMRC Bhubaneshwar, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee

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Technical Advisory Committee, Health Technology Assessment in India (HTAIn), Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare



Revision of Home Based Care Programs and Development of National Home based newborn care version 2.0 guidelines, Child Health Division, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, 2024

Member, Technical Advisory Committee


Regional Medical Research Centre, RMRC Bhubaneshwar, Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR)

Member, Scientific Advisory Committee


USAID MNCH accelerator Saksham project, PATH India, 2023

Member, National Technical Advisory Group


Developing the national training policy and strategic plan for health for Timor Leste; WHO Timor Leste



Formative Evaluation of LaQshya Programme, UNICEF 2023 • Developing the national training policy and strategic plan for health for Timor Leste; WHO Timor Leste 2022

Member, Evaluation Reference Group (ERG)


Developing a working paper on “India: strengthening Comprehensive Primary Health Care in urban areas, PWC



Scientific Advisory Group for the MRHRU, Panipat, Haryana in collaboration with NIPCR- ICMR



Developing a working paper on maternal anaemia for a E-dialogue series-2021 on “Strengthening Maternal Nutrition Screening and Services in Antenatal Care in India” (Nutrition International, 2021



Imperial College, London UK

Visiting Researcher


Documentation of best practices of community based newborn health intervention by Norweigian Indian Partnership Initiative (Jhpeigo, 2018-19, NIPI Cure



Science for Equity, Empowerment and Devlopment (SEED) division, Departmen to Science and Technology

Member of expert group


Development of Program Guidance to Support Optimal Timing of Cord Clamping (Nutrition International, 2019-20)



Development of regional report as part of Global RMNCHA Policy Survey Analysis (WHO SEARO, 2019)



Development of operational guidelines for management of anemia in pregnancy (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare



Quality Assurance cell, Department of Health and Family Welfare, Government of NCT of Delhi of Delhi



Development of a resource toolkit on Use of Gentamicin by ANMs for management of sepsis in young infants under specific situations. (Save the Children, 2016-17)



Development of policy guidelines for Guidelines For Folic Acid Supplementation In Periconceptional Period (Ministry of Health and Family Welfare



Towards a Grand Convergence for child survival and health: A strategic review of options for the future building on lessons learnt from IMNCI (WHO India, 2016)


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Research Projects

SANKALP: Strengthening Program Implementation and Monitoring to Achieve Single-digit Neonatal Mortality

Funding Agency : ICMR

Implementation Research to improve maternal health care interventions around delivery on identification, risk stratification and the occurrence of stillbirth across four distinct demographic & geographic settings in India.

Funding Agency : ICMR

Global Immunization Learning Partner And Support To Learning  Hubs

Funding Agency : GAVI

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SANKALP: Strengthening Program Implementation and Monitoring to Achieve Single-digit Neonatal Mortality

Funding Agency : ICMR

Implementation Research to improve maternal health care interventions around delivery on identification, risk stratification and the occurrence of stillbirth across four distinct demographic & geographic settings in India.

Funding Agency : ICMR

Global Immunization Learning Partner And Support To Learning  Hubs

Funding Agency : GAVI

Early and extended low dose Erythropoietin Monotherapy in Neonatal Encephalopathy in Low and Middle-Income Countries (EMBRACE Trial)

Funding Agency : Thrasher Foundation

An implementation research to situational analysis and recommend an improved program model to improve adherence to IFA and calcium in selected areas of selected states in India

Funding Agency : Nutrition International

Prevention of epilepsy from perinatal brain injury

Funding Agency : NIHR, UK (ÂŁ3,326,584.00)

Early and extended low dose Erythropoietin Monotherapy in Neonatal Encephalopathy in Low and Middle-Income Countries (EMBRACE Trial)

Funding Agency : Thrasher Foundation

Public health cadre for 21st century: Assessment of needs, Gaps and Health management of public health services

Funding Agency : Thakur Foundation

Capacity Building For Health Functionaries Of Timor Leste

Funding Agency : WHO, Timor Leste

An assessment of Newborn Stabilization Units (NBSUs) in select districts in Bihar

Funding Agency : UNICEF, Bihar

Planning and Piloting an integrated disease control campaign in Uttar Pradesh

Funding Agency : Global Health Task Force ($ 50000 USD)

Smokeless Tobacco Use and Reproductive Health in Women: Rapid Review

Funding Agency : WHO India

Diagnostic efficacy of digital hemoglobinometer (TrueHb), HemoCue and non invasive devices for screening patients for anemia in the field settings

Funding Agency : Department of Health Research

Mapping of Child protection initiatievs In Haryana- A case study

Funding Agency : Oak Foundation

Ferrous Sucrose in Pregnant Anaemic Women in India(FeSPW) – A randomized controlled trial- an open label study

Funding Agency : WHO India

An analysis of sex selection drugs and its effect in animals

Funding Agency : Department of Science and Technology (DST)

Effects of sex selection drugs (SSD) on outcome of pregnancy and reproductive behaviour of next generation- an animal study

Funding Agency : Science and Technology Council, Haryana

Know violence in childhood- a global learning initiative

Funding Agency : UBS, NOVO, AJWS, Unicef

Rapid assessment of the implementation status of MNH interventions in selected districts, as a follow up action to operationalizing India Newborn Action Plan (INAP)

Funding Agency : Save the Children

A strategic review of options for the future building on lessons learnt from IMNCI

Funding Agency : WHO India

Roll out of Facility based project to improve newborn nutrition and survival in two states- UP and Gujarat

Funding Agency : Micronutrient Initiative

State-Wide Rollout Of India Newborn Action Plan (INAP) In Bihar With Special Focus In Gaya And Purnea Districts

Funding Agency : UNICEF, Patna

Quality Assurance in labour rooms (with emphasis on infection control) in a district in Bihar

Funding Agency : UNICEF, Patna

To change health behaviors and improve coverage of health services by activating social platforms for the poor in Uttar Pradesh

Funding Agency : BMGF

Developing training manuals of Comprehensive Lactation Management Centre

Funding Agency : Jhpiego, India

The public health consequences of folic acid deficiency in mothers and benefits of peri-conceptional folic acid supplementation on pregnancy outcomes, with special reference to Neural tube disorders and Oro-facial clefts in India

Funding Agency : Wellcome Trust Grant

Obstetric fistula in South East Asian (SEARO) countries- A systematic review

Funding Agency : WHO-SEARO

Diagnostic efficacy of Hemoglobin color scale, True Hb and non invasive methods for screening patients for anemia

Funding Agency : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare

Risk factors of congenital malformations in Haryana- a case control study

Funding Agency : NRHM, Haryana

State of India’s newborns (SOIN) report

Funding Agency : Save the Children

Institutionalizing Short Course in Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) Programme Management in NIPI States

Funding Agency : WHO India

Content development for Short Course in Reproductive Child Health(RCH) Programme Management

Funding Agency : WHO India

Content development for Post graduate Diploma in Management of RCH programs

Funding Agency : UNICEF

Improving management of facility based newborn care in Bihar

Funding Agency : UNICEF- Patna

Assessment of Navjaat Shishu Suraksha Karyakram (NSSK)

Funding Agency : Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, India

Documentation of innovations in public health – case studies

Funding Agency : Mac Arthur Foundation

Phase-I, Preparatory Phase - Ferrous Sucrose in Pregnant Anaemic Women in India (FeSPW) - A randomized open label study

Funding Agency : WHO-India

Review of Special Care Newborn Units (SCNU) supported by UNICEF

Funding Agency : UNICEF

Implementation of PCPNDT Act in India

Funding Agency : National Human Resource Commission, UNFPA

Implementation of PCPNDT Act in India

Funding Agency : National Human Resource Commission, UNFPA

An estimation of excess deaths in India from 1994-2003. (In context of HIV/AIDS)

Funding Agency : National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (Indian Council of Medical Research, UNAIDS)

An estimation of excess deaths in India from 1994-2003. (In context of HIV/AIDS)

Funding Agency : National Institute of Health and Family Welfare (Indian Council of Medical Research, UNAIDS)

Relation of blood pressure with birth weight among children 6-7 years old.-

Funding Agency : PGIMER Scheme

Regional Assessment of Coverage and Quality of Postnatal Care Services

Funding Agency : WHO SEARO

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